30 Mar, 2014


2014 - HYSAN Healthy Hike & Run

 30 Mar, 2014
 Tai Tong Shan, Tai Lam, N.T., Hong Kong Trail hike and run options

Rules & Regulations 規則與條款

Official Rules & Regulations


1. Race number to be worn on FRONT of you. Not on your back.

2. No throwing any garbage of any kind on trail.

3. No water bottles allowed to be taken away from water checkpoints. You must bring your own hydration system or waist hydration belt with water bottle for refill.

4. Should you drop out you must notify the nearest checkpoint and leave your race number or face emergency rescue costs bill for looking for you.

5. You must stay on marked course and no short cutting is allowed or result in disqualification.

6. Race Director has final say on all matters.


第一章: 守則概要

1. 比賽活動期間,號碼布必須掛於胸前位置。不接受掛於背部位置。

2. 嚴禁於郊外拋棄垃圾。

3. 檢查站/ 水站的水樽不能帶走,避免不小心遺留於郊野成為垃圾。如須盛載及帶走飲用水,請自備水樽/ 飲水裝置式水袋。

4. 如退出賽事,請知會最就近之檢查站/水站,並確定大會工作人員紀錄好該參賽者之參賽編號,確保該參賽者是於安全情況下退出。否則,該參賽者將有可能承擔因此而產生之緊急搜索/拯救支援等開支。

5. 參賽者必須於大會標示之賽道範圍內進行賽事,不可走捷徑,否則取消參賽資格。

6. 賽事總監有最後決定權利。
