Race Media


01 Jan, 1970

Alger on MSIG Singapore AA50 - Just go and enjoy


Ain’t about how fast I get there, it’s all about the climb!

“Just go there and enjoy the race, you’d be surprised how good you can be.” - Alger Cheng

Hong Kong's Alger Cheng is preparing for the MSIG Singapore Action Asia 50 and we asked him a few questions:


Q1: How did you develop your love and interest in running?

A1: My family brought me to hike along the Peak circle walk (Lugard Road) every week when I was young so I do enjoy the nature. I become really interested in trail running only after I started working in 1991. My colleagues and I teamed up for several trail running races every year in Hong Kong.


Q2: Ideal trail running course and distance for beginners?

A2: I recommend trail running beginners to start with four major trails in Hong Kong, which are Hong Kong Trail, MacLehose Trail, Wilson Trail and Lantau Tail. Try out two to three sections of those trails at one time would be enough. Those trails are quite close to public transport. In case there is emergency, it won’t be hard to call for help.


Q3: What makes you continue to enjoy running?

A3: To me, exploring the unknown side of the mountain is very enjoyable. Running is always quite satisfying as well. Besides, it is gratifying to observe the changes of nature in four seasons.


Q4: When you started out at the sport, did you ever expect to be winning so many prizes?

A4: I didn’t expect to win in every race as I am really not result-oriented. Just go there and enjoy the race, you’d be surprised how good you can be.


Q5: How would you prepare for the MSIG Singapore AA 50? 

A5: Despite there are more flat trails than brutal technical trails in Singapore, I expect the race can still be tough since the weather is very hot and humid. As I want to adapt the weather condition at the Singapore race, I am planning to do more long hours trail running in afternoons




Q1: 你是怎麼愛上越野跑的?

A1: 從小我家人已每星期帶我到太平山山頂走走,這使我喜歡上大自然。後來我自己亦會去行山。出來工作後,由1991年開始加入公司到現在,公司一直有組隊參加毅行者,從此開始了對山賽產生了興趣。


Q2: 初學者可選擇試走香港四徑,包括 : 港島徑、麥理浩徑、衛奕信徑 及 鳳凰徑 ,每次走2至3段已足夠,因近市區,交通都方便,如發生意外也容易求救。


A3: 有新鮮路線會使我更有興趣參加,跑山中一路欣賞山野間四季不同的變化使我更享受跑步。

Q4: 之前有想過會在越野跑這運動上取得如此好的成績嗎?





We wish Alger all the best in Singapore July 25 as will be interesting training in hot Hong Kong and going to Singapore in similar, but possibly more humid conditions.

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