Race Media


07 Nov, 2016

Croft on Taiwan and heat 對話「越野女王」 Ruth Croft

對話「越野女王」 Ruth Croft


New Zealander Ruth Croft (Scott Running/Garmin), world-class elite runner, is back to MSIG Taiwan Action Asia 50 this year. Starting to run at a very young age, Ruth has won the champion of different national and international races. Action Asia did a pre-race interview with this gifted runner.

榮獲明台產物保險贊助的「MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50」再次邀請到越野女王Ruth Croft(Scott Running/Garmin)出戰。青年時代,Ruth便開始參加各種越野賽事,一路從紐西蘭國家級別到世界級別的越野賽事走来,攬獲大大小小的獎杯。如今,昔日的天才少女早已是世界級的精英跑手,「越野女王」。

1.Many runners reflect that the weather here in HK is different from Europe, so how did you manage with this difference during HK50 race and get the overall 1st (amazing)?

I am based in Taipei, Taiwan, and I was only in Europe for 6 weeks racing, so I am used to the hot and humid weather. Although, I would say that the MSIG HK 50 felt exceptionally hot. The main thing for me was to get as much water in as I could at each aid station as it is hard to replace all the fluids you lose through sweating that much. But by the way I was feeling in the last 10km and how we were all cramping at the finish line, I still felt I did not get enough liquids on board.

1. 許多跑手反映過香港的天氣和歐洲游很大的不同,在MSIG HK50的比賽中你是怎麼處理這些不同而獲得冠軍的?

我住在台灣而且我只在歐洲進行過6周的越野跑,所以我很習慣炎熱且潮濕的天氣。即使這樣,我仍然覺得MSIG HK50比賽那天異常炎熱。對我來說最重要的就是在各個救助站盡可能地喝多點水,因為在這樣的天氣下補充的水分也難以追上汗流的速度。但是在最後10千米的時候,在我們都掙扎在接近終點時,我仍然覺得我之前喝的水並不夠。

2.“Finish looking like having been swimming rather than running”, very vivid description. How did you feel after winning the race?

I was happy with how the race turned out. To be honest, after Europe I did not feel like my training had been going well. But I had been doing a lot of technical racing and so for me the MSIG HK course made me finally realize I do prefer the more runnable courses.  Overall I just enjoyed the course, and it is always great to get over to Hong Kong, as you have such a good trail running community and trails.

2. “看起來更像游泳而不是跑步地完成生動的描述。贏得比賽後你的感覺如何?

我非常高興比賽的峰迴路轉。實話講,歐洲行之後我感覺到在訓練中我越來越強。我進行過許多技術性訓練所以對我來說,MSIG HK50的比賽使我明白我更喜歡可跑性強的賽道。總而言之,我很享受這個比賽,而且香港有這麼好的越野跑氛圍和比賽,我以後還會再回來香港。

3. How will your training change from in MSIG HK50 to MSIG TAIWAN Action Asia 50? In general, how you train for the coming race? How many kilometers overall?

I don’t normally go on mileage but more so my training is based on time, normally sit around 10-14 hours a week, more focus is also put on elevation depending on the race I am targeting. All my training is supplemented with a lot of cross training and strength and conditioning.

3. MSIG HK50MSIG TAIWAN Action Asia 50,你的訓練有沒有什麼變化?一般而言,在比賽前你會怎麼訓練?大約多少公里呢?


4. After reading the map, which part of MSIG Taiwan50 seems the most interesting to you?

I actually ran the MSIG Taiwan 50 two years ago. I enjoyed it all, it is a beautiful trail, really green , but I remember there are a lot of short climbs in the back half of the course that just keep coming, especially after you have been out for that long.

4. 看過地圖之後,你認為MSIG TAIWAN Action Asia 50最吸引你的部分是什麼?

實際上我參加過2年前的MSIG TAIWAN Action Asia 50,我很享受那個比賽,因為它擁有美麗的賽道,綠意濃郁。但是我記得在賽道的後半段有許多短的爬升,源源不斷,特別是在我已經跑了那麼長時間之後。

5. There’s quite a lot of hilly terrain in Taiwan. When running on the trails, is there any terrain that you particularly enjoy or excel at?

I like good undulating trail, where you can really get moving, I am not much of a hiker, so I do not prefer technical trail.

5. 台灣有許多山丘,對於越野跑來說,哪裡是你比較喜歡的呢?


6. Tips for runners who will take their first 50k.

Main thing is to always start out more on the conservative side, get the food and fluids in early and be strict and consistent about it. I think a lot people run into problems mainly because of nutrition. Lastly, try to get a couple of 30km training runs you think you will take to complete the course.

6. 有什麼小貼士可以分享給那些第一次參加50公里的跑手們?



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