Race Media


07 Nov, 2016

MSIG Taiwan Action Asia50 is coming - MSIG台灣 動感亞洲 50“倒計時

“MSIG台灣 動感亞洲 50“倒計時

由明臺保險贊助的“MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50” 已進入最後一個月倒計時階段,參賽選手們如何安排賽前訓練?他們給自己設立了怎樣的目標?對他們而言,比賽中最大的挑戰是什麼?帶著這些問題,我們有幸訪問了兩位報名選手。

 “首戰“選手萬代桑 連報兩場動感亞洲50




2. 得悉您報名參加了21公里的賽程,可否請您簡單談一談為什麼選擇21公里作為完賽目標呢?另外,MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50是目前台灣唯一一場場獲Skyrunning資格 的賽事,如有机会参加下次比賽,您會想要嘗試挑戰一下Skyrunning級別的50公里嗎?

我覺得自己應該能夠完成21公里的距離,也因為之前沒有越野跑的經驗,所以自己定了一個中間點的目標,也是對自己的一個挑戰。如果這次能夠順利完成21公里,不排除下次會繼續挑戰50公里,skymarathon 對我而言,也是一個很有趣的國際級別賽事。如果參加的話,會更早做準備,先從這次比賽積累些經驗吧。

3. 距離比賽還有一個月的時間,請問您會如何做賽前準備呢?



Do my best! 盡力就好,勇於參與。因為比賽輸贏不重要,重要的是我享受過這場比賽,得到了新的體驗,豐富了我的生活,這是最重要的。

三戰越野跑 為生活添回憶

陳威臻,MSIG明臺保險經營企劃部的一員,談及與越野跑的“相知相遇”,陳說,兩年前,同事間互相鼓勵,拉手一起報名第一次越野跑比賽,發現這項比賽刺激有趣,為生活也增添了很多難忘的回憶。直至今年的“MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50”,已經是他第三次報名參加的比賽了。

1. 為什麼會選擇參加11月12日“MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50”石門的比賽?

因為是我們公司明臺保險贊助的活動,公司鼓勵我們積極參與。并且我看了賽道圖,覺得這次“MSIG台灣 動感亞洲50”會是蠻具挑戰的一場比賽。另外一個報名原因是賽道選址在石門水庫,那邊景色很好,可以一邊奔跑,一邊飽覽密林風光。



3.  得悉您報名參加了13公里的賽程,可否請您簡單談一談為什麼選擇13公里作為完賽目標呢? 你是如何平衡日常工作和賽前訓練的呢?


4. 如果用一句話來作賽前宣言,為自己加油,您最想說什麼?



“MSIG Taiwan Action Asia50” is coming

“MSIG Taiwan Action Asia50” , sponsored by Mingtai Insurance, is around the corner. What are their pre-race training plans? What are their goal for this race? Which part of the trail course is the most challenging for them? We are honored to invite two runners to share their ideas with us.

The Fresh Trail Runner Signed Up Two 50 Series

Mr. Mantai , from Japan, is a staff of Mingtai Insurance(HK). Although this is his first trail race, he has signed up two 21km races at once.

1. What inspires you to start trail race? How to balance daily work and pre-race training?

My compony Mingtai Insurance, the main sponsor of the event, is very supportive and even encourage us to bring our family and friends to join the race. Getting off work, trail race can lead us to walk into the forest, get closer to the nature, and feed our eyes with green trees and grass. While getting back to work again, we are more energetic and effective. I balance the training and work well, my life is enriched by them together.

2. “2016 MSIG Taiwan Action Asia 50” is the only Skymarathon qualified by International Skyrunning Federation in Taiwan. It’s glad to know that you have signed up for the 21km, so after finishing your 21km race this year, would you want to try challenging yourself with the Skymarathon - 50km race?

I think that 21km is in my reach. As you know, I have no experience of trail race before, so I want to challenge myself with this distance. If I finish the race successfully this time, I might try 50km next time, because Skymarathon seems really exciting. And I myself also very curious about this world-class race.

3. Could you please share your pre-race training plan with us?

I usually practice at Peak  with my friends who also register Taiwan50. We practice two times a week and 3 to 4 hours each time. As a freshman of trail race, I’m groping for the practice methods, so I value this event which gives me a chance to communicate with other excellent runners, and I hope to learn from them.

4. What is your slogan for the race?

Do my best! The process is more worthwhile than the result, just enjoy it.


Trail and Beautiful Memory

Stanley Chen, a member of Mingtai Insurance Corporate Planning Department, starts trail race two years ago when he found how much fun it was to run in the forest. And this year “MSIG Taiwan Action Asia50” is his third trail race.

1. What attracts you to join “2016 MSIG Taiwan Action Asia50 ”  ?

Our company Mingtai Insurance encourage us to take part in this event, while I myself was also very interested in this race after reading the course map. It is a technical and challenging course trail. Runners can not only feel the speed and freedom of running, but also view the whole beautiful scenery of Shimen, which is awesome!

2. After reading the course map, which is the most challenging part for you?

I guess the most challenging part must be Mt Shimen, the start point of the race at an altitude of 551 meters. This “warming up” is really thrilling because our bodies haven’t got used to the change of altitude at the very beginning.

3. It’s glad to know that you has signed up for the 13km, so why choose 13km? And how do you balance work and training?

I have never ever run as long as 13km, so I want to try it this time. After challenging 13km, I will keep practice and set another goal, but for now, I will just focus on the 13km. Work and trail race enrich my life combining together: I can change my mind from work to nature, while also improve my work effectiveness after refueling myself with fresh air. Usually, I practice with my colleagues on different terrain on weekends or off work.

4. What is your slogan for the race?

Fight for the goal, improving step by step!

#msigtwaa50 #skyrunning #Hokaoneone  #timetofly #msig

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