Race Media


15 Nov, 2016

2nd at World Champs Nicolas Martin confirms MSIG

Sensational season - Frenchman Hoka runner Nicolas Martin who lives in the Alps is looking forward to tough Asian Skyrunning Championship event in Hong Kong entering both VK and 50k Ultra Skymarathon category at the MSIG Lantau50

Where does Nicolas live? Must be some good training if he does so well......

I live in Beaufortain. It's near Mont Blanc in Savoie, France. I'm 30 and I run from 10 years.

How has your running season gone so far?

My season isn't finished because I will run the IAU world championship in 29th October. (He came 2nd!!!! in 2016- 7th in 2015) However, I 'm happy for my season. Transvulcania was an unbelievable memory. It was my first goal and take second place behind Luis Hernando was such as a little victory. Second place in ultra skyrunning series is a surprise because I ran just 2 races. (but did very well to earn points).

Who inspires you as you guessing someone motivates you?

I don't have a role model, but I respect a lot of runners. Luis Hernando is very regular. Kilian Jornet is very polyvalent. In France, we have a lot of good runners and it's a source of inspiration for me to get better and stronger. I want to explore my limits, it's my main goal in trail running.

How do you train and is it difficult or easy to get motivated and why?

I train 15-20 hours per week. Of course, it's difficult, but I love it. For 6 years, I try to improve and I don't want to have regret at the end of my carrer. It's really a personnal way.


Is it your first time to Asia? How do you believe the difference in weather temperatures will be for you in HK to your home?  Any expectations at the Skyrunning Asian Championship – MSIG Lantau50

Yes, it's my first time in Asia. I'm happy to discover a new culture and unknow landscapes. In France, in December, it's cold and it's possible to have snow. Winter is coming for us. However, HK's climate is perfect for running.
It will be my last race for 2016's season. I could be little tired by IAU world championship, but I would give my best. I don't know the others runners so it's difficult to have a goal.

Any long term goals for yourself over next few years?

Next year, I want to run ultra skyrunning series and skyraces. Transvulcania and Zegama are the first goals of season.
Next years, I would like to discover news races around the world. Like WS 100, Pikes Peak, Tromso...

This is one race favorite so get your cameras ready to catch him as expect Martin to be taking the race seriously.

#skyrunning #actionasiaevents #trailrunning #msiglantau50 #msig #hoka

世界冠軍賽亞軍Nicolas Martin確認出戰MSIG


轟動賽季——住在法國阿爾卑斯山的Hoka隊跑手Nicolas Martin十分期待一場極具挑戰性的香港亞洲Skyrunning冠軍賽,他參加了MSIG大嶼山50的兩場賽事:大嶼山垂直千米競速賽和50公里Ultra Skyrunning類。


我住在法國薩瓦省(Savoie)的Beaufortain,靠近勃朗峰(Monte Blanc)。我今年30歲,已經堅持跑步10年了。


我的賽季還沒有結束,我將會在10月29日參加IAU世界冠軍賽。(他在2015年賽季中取得了亞軍!!!)我對我的賽季感到很開心。Transvulcania的比賽是我一段難忘的記憶。那是我的第一個目標,我取得了第二名,以很小的差距排在Luis Hernando後面。Ultra Skyrunning第二名是一個驚喜,因為我當時只跑過兩次比賽。(但實際上因此積累了很多經驗。)


我沒有跑步偶像,不過我有很多尊敬的跑手。比如Luis Hernando,Kilian Jornet等等。在法國,我們有很多優秀的跑手,他們是激勵我更棒更強的動力。我想要挑戰我的極限,這是我越野跑的主要目標。







明年,我想要參加Ultra Skyrunning系列和Skyraces(天空賽車)。Transvulcania和Zegama將會是我賽季的第一個目標。

未來幾年,我希望發掘世界上更多比賽,比如WS100,Pikes Peak,Tromso等等。



#skyrunning #actionasiaevents #trailrunning #msiglantau50 #msig #hoka

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