Race Media


26 Sep, 2016

Leung - Asian Skyrunning Championship

 Jacky Leung on upcoming Asian Skyrunning Championship in Hong Kong.

1. MSIG Lantau 50 is selected to be the Asian Skyrunning Championship this year, will you train differently?

This course is hilly with 3500m accumulative elevation in 54km. There is big climbing of double peaks after first half of runable but hilly trails. I will especially focus on stairs climbing on this course.

1. 今年「MSIG大嶼山50 」被選為「亞洲Skyrunning冠軍賽」,請問你會為這場比賽做不同的準備嗎?


2. How will your experience of joining Skyrunning events help you prepare for the coming 2016 MSIG series? Anything specific that you could share with us?

It's technical for worldwide Skyrunning race. The experience of joining Matterhorn Ultraks in Zermatt gave me insights about fast uphill and downhill ability of athletes along technical trails at high altitude. For HK MSIG series, there is a mixture of terrain including soft trails, rocky trails, stairs and pavement. Athletes need to be all-rounded with good pre-race planning and skills during running on so much different kinds of terrain.

2.  你之前參加Skyrunning 比賽獲得的經驗,對準備2016 MSIG賽事有甚麼幫助?有特別的策略跟我們分享嗎?

參加世界性的Skyrunning比賽,需要運用一定的技巧。之前在瑞士策馬特參加的越野賽, 讓我進一步了解在高海拔路徑快速上坡和下坡的技巧。在香港舉行的MSIG賽事地形則比較複雜,有泥路、山路、梯級和行人徑,所以運動員要掌握多方面的事前準備和技巧,才能在比賽中應付各種不同地形。

3. What got you into running?

Running gives me a channel to explore my mind and to recognize my body. I learn controlling my mind to be balanced during every step of running especially when we feel very exhausted. Also, it gives me so much opportunity to learn planning and to work out strategies for specific targets. Running gives me pleasure.



4. What makes you keep running? What is your motivation? 

I can feel instant freedom and pleasure during running on trails with so much beautiful scenery around. There is satisfaction when I achieve a better time during each run with injury free. There is always improvement and new apperception about rhythm, balance and control during each running even on the similar courses. Running tunes myself being more self-disciplined and makes my living more simple and regular. It can also build up self-confidence and positive self-esteem.

4. 請問是甚麼讓你堅持越野跑呢?你的動力又是甚麼?


5. What is your best part of trail running experience? Did you have fun?

The best part of trail running is being inspired and to inspire people to step out their comfort zone for dreams or targets. This inspiration can encourage people to look for improvement and better standard of life. Although the processes of practicing or racing are tough or emotional, I have a lot of fun and learn a lot about life during the processes. 

5. 你最難忘的越野跑經歷是甚麼呢?你能從中獲得樂趣嗎?


6.  How you overcome the difficulties of trail running?

 I have to evaluate effectiveness of my training or racing every time so that I can accumulate experience of encountering specific problems of my body. Before the next run, I will prepare strategies and to rehearse the self-help process in my mind. With mental rehearsal, it will make me feel much better with proper execution of strategies during very difficult moment.

6.  請問你是怎樣克服越野跑當中的困難?


7. How to balance the daily work and pre-race training?

 I have to set up a solid timetable and an achievable training schedule for specific races. For example, I would wake up early for morning run before working and then go for another session of running or workout after working hours. The most important is to sleep early for the next training session of early morning.

7.  請問你是如何平衡日常工作和賽前訓練?


8. How do you encourage your family, friends or other people to join trail running and inspire them to get into our mother nature?

I usually get them to go do some easy hiking first to let them reconnect with nature. I would also share some trail running skills and injury prevention skills to them during my trail running workshops or social run. Most of them need encouragement of partners or family and regular training to fulfill their personal achievement and satisfaction.

8. 你是如何鼓勵家人、朋友或者其他人參加越野跑?又會如何鼓勵他們接觸大自然?


Photo credit to Sunny Lee for HK photo.

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