Race Media


16 Aug, 2017

哥斯達黎加Randall Vargas從越野跑體會謙遜態度再戰NISSAN台灣動感亞洲越野賽

哥斯達黎加跑手Randall Vargas  從越野跑體會謙遜態度


享受過程,待人友善,熱愛大自然並在有限的時間內做到最好。」- Randall Vargas

 “Trail running is rather humbling to me,” says Randall Vargas from Costa Rica, joining NISSAN Action Asia X-Trail TAIWAN for the second time   

1.  請問您參加了越野賽多久?今次是第幾次參加「NISSAN台灣動感亞洲越野賽」呢?

我是來自哥斯達黎加的Randall Vargas, 我現在居住在台灣並且參與越野跑已經兩年多了。去年我有機會參加「NISSAN台灣動感亞洲越野賽」的比賽,雖然沒跑出最佳成績,但是比賽和主辦機構都很棒,所以今年網上注冊一開放我就立刻報名了,因為絕不想錯過這次機會。

2. 一開始是甚麼鼓勵你開始跑越野跑呢?為什麼選擇參加這場比賽?

自從認識Ruth Croft 和Tommy Chen之後就開始了越野跑,跟他們一起進行了一些訓練後,就愛上了在山野跑步。


3.   你平常是如何訓練?又是怎樣作賽前準備呢?


4. 你是怎樣安排時間來平衡生活和訓練?你會如何做賽前準備呢?

我喜歡台灣的主要原因是它的安全性。不管是早上5時還是晚上 11時出去跑步我都感到很安全。我曾嘗試在早上訓練但是通常我很難早起,所以大部分時間都是晚上訓練。只要達到一天的訓練量,我不在乎需要花多長時間。週末我經常藉跑步去探索新的地方。

5. 你覺得本場比賽最難的地方會是哪裡?平日比賽或訓練中碰到困難時會怎樣調整心態,怎樣跨越難關呢?



6. 請和大家簡單分享一下越野跑對你看待人生的態度,或生活方式等的改變。

越野跑讓我保持謙卑的態度。因為我遇到的人不僅有才能而且非常友好,例如Ruth Croft,Michael Guardian等跑手,它會一直提醒我自己要保持謙遜的態度和良好的運動精神。



How long have you been doing trail running? Is it your first-time racing in NISSAN Action Asia X-Trail TAIWAN 2017?

My name is Randall Vargas. I am from Costa Rica but I currently live in Taiwan. I have been doing trail running for just over two years now. Last year I had the chance to join NISSAN Action Asia X-Trail TAIWAN 2016 and even though I did not run my best, the race and the organization were great. Therefore, as soon as the inscriptions opened for this year’s event I signed up straight away! I did not want to miss out on the opportunity.

What got you into Trail Running? Why did you choose to join this race?

I started trail running after meeting Ruth Croft and Tommy Chen. I had the chance to join them for some of their training sessions and after that I fell in love with running in the mountains.

The first time I joined this event was because I heard that the best Taiwanese runners usually come to this event and even some fast foreign legs come as well. I went and found this to be the case. This year I decided to run it again for the same reasons and also because the course is just amazing and the views are just spectacular.

What’s your training routine and how will you train for this race?

I like to mix things up a little so I have been doing some track workouts for speed, long road runs to train my mind, and a couple of trail runs. Closer to the time I will do more and more trail runs focusing primarily on going down hill faster.

How do you balance the daily work and pre-race training?

One of the main reasons why I love Taiwan is because of its safety. I can go for a run at 5am or at 11pm and I still feel safe. For that reason I try to train in the morning but I usually cannot wake up very early so I have to run at night. As long as the workout gets done I do not care so much about the time I do it. Weekends I usually use running as an excuse to go and explore a new mountain or place in Taiwan.

What will be the most challenging part in the race? How will you deal with the difficulties of trail running?

The most challenging part of this race will be controlling my mind and the thoughts telling me to stop or to focus on the negatives. Secondly, of course, the other competitors haha.

To deal with those difficulties and how I try to deal with everything in my life is following 4 simple steps given by Master Sheng Yen:

  • Face it

  • Accept it

  • Deal with it

  • Let it go

What does trail running mean to you?  Could you share with us how trail running / skyrunning has changed you or your perspective of life... if it has?

Trail running is rather humbling to me. Seeing people with so much talent and seeing how nice and friendly the people are (Ruth Croft and Michael Guardian just to mention a few) is always a good reminder to stay humble and maintain good sportsmanship.

I also believe that no matter how fast we believe we are, there will always be others faster and stronger than us, It is important to enjoy the experience, be kind to others, animals (go green!), and nature, and to do the best we can possibly do at any given time.



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