Race Media


16 Mar, 2018

Good morning to stretch the legs on the Ricoh Healthy Hike & Run

Portuguese trail runner, Pedro Ribeiro, Men’s 2nd of 19km in Hysan Island Hike and Run 2017, is joining this Sunday race of Ricoh Healthy Hike and Run 2018.

“Always looking forward to great designed Action Asia Event courses as lost count how many I've done over past years, but nothing like a good morning in Tai Lam to stretch the legs on the Ricoh Healthy Hike & Run course.”

All he wants is to enjoy the race: “Saying that, there are no words to explain why my right Achilles hurts. Walking is painful enough. Imagine running! Will be going out to just have fun.”

Wish him a good race in Ricoh Healthy Hike & Run.


曾奪得2017希慎港島遠足及跑步賽19公里男子亞軍的澳門葡籍越野好手﹐Pedro Ribeiro﹐將會出席本週日的Ricoh 健康遠足及跑步賽2018。

「已經記不清在過去幾年內參加過多少場賽事﹐但總是會期待動感亞洲設計的賽道。相信沒有甚麼能好得過在早上參加於大棠舉行的Ricoh 健康遠足及跑步賽﹐舒展筋骨。」只想盡情享受賽事的他說道:「自從右腳的阿基里斯腱受傷後﹐痛得連步行也很困難﹐痛苦程度難以用文字形容﹐跑步更加是難以想像﹐所以我會以享受比賽為主。」

希望Ribeiro 於週日的Ricoh 健康遠足及跑步賽中會有滿意的表現。


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