15 Jun-17 Jun, 2018


2018 - MONGOLIA Action Asia 3 day Ultra Marathon

 15 Jun-17 Jun, 2018
 Mongolia Trail hike and run options

Event Entry 報名辦法

First come first serve based on payment received for first 140 participants.

HKD 500 Action X store vouchers per person as BONUS if 2 or more entered SAME TIME. (within 24 hrs of each other). If you qualify, please email payment@actionasiaevents.com with your mailing address and registration full names for us to send you Action X Store vouchers asap.

Entry Procedure & Payment Method

CLICK REGISTER NOW BUTTON TOP RIGHT CORNER OF THIS PAGE FIRST. Then click continue at bottom of registration form which sends us your online form automatically. You will then be forwarded to credit card payment page automatically and can continue paying by credit card. (We will have received your online entry application already when you hit the submit button so don't worry).


Click REGISTER ORANGE BUTTON on RIGHT SIDE OF website (or continue credit card option when filling out entry form). Easy to use credit
card payment.

Confirmation of entry
Once payment is received, payment system will send a confirmation letter with entry details to you via email. Please make sure we have your correct email as we will send updates to you. Please notify us immediately if we have your wrong email. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE SO GET YOUR ENTRY IN.


Changes, Cancellation & Refunds
Strictly no refunds once payment is made. Transfer of entry to a friend after payment is made is only allowed up to 2 weeks before race day and is not allowed to be advertised in any media platform. No transfer of credit to other events is possible. HK$150 (US$20) admin charge for name changes or category changes only up to 2 weeks before race day. Race Director has the final say on all matters.