Race Media


01 Jan, 1970

Lexxus F1 Singapore - driving factor that makes me competive

Professional Trainer takes Inspiration From His Sisters in the Pursuit of Sports

Interview with Lexxus Tan, Head Coach of JRL Academy and F1 Runners Team


Getting ready for the MSIG Singapore Action Asia 50

Q1: When did you start running and what got you into running?

A1: I love running in my grandfather’s farm in Kampong at a very young age and had my first race at age 13. Till now, I have been into this sports for 35 years. Both my elder sisters had motivated me greatly in my pursuit of sports. They did very well in their school cross-country race, so I thought it would be great if I could also make it into the first position during my junior high. This could be the driving power that makes me racing so competitively and having a passion in sports till now.

Q2: What is your definition of trail running?

A2: Trail running to me is like a slide show. With every steps I take, the scenery changes. The trail and the nature are like playgrounds to me. When I am into the wild, my body seems to be fully recharged!

Q3: What’s your ideal trail running course and distance for beginners? Any other advice for them?

A3: I would suggest all beginner to start with easy trails range from 3-5km. At the same time, they should do lower body strength conditioning exercises and learn from the experts or qualified trainers on the trail running techniques to prevent any injuries.

Q4: How would you prepare for the MSIG Singapore AA 50?

A4: Being the head coach of JRL Academy and F1 Runners Team, a well-planned training program is essential to train my teammates and students into race shapes. The team and I do 5-9 training sessions on weekly basis (for different levels). The weekly training sessions cover hill training, fartlek training, speed workout, and endurance run with daily strength conditioning exercises.


Q1: 你是什麼時候開始跑步的?最初開始跑步的動力是什麼?

A1: 我小時候就喜歡在爺爺的農場裏奔跑, 13歲就參加人生第一場跑步比賽, 不經不覺已有35年跑齡。我有兩個熱愛跑步的姐姐,是她們啟發了我對跑步的興趣和潛能。有一次,兩個同校的姐姐都在越野跑比賽中取得冠軍. 於是剛升上初中的我亦很想跟她們一樣厲害。 就是這個原因訓練出我的鬥心, 亦漸漸愛上了跑步。


Q2: 對你來越野跑是什



Q3: 有什麼建議給越野跑新手?

A3: 我建議越野跑新手們可以從簡單的3-5公里跑道上開始訓練。同時,為了盡量避免受傷,我也建議他們做一些下半身的力量調節訓練,多向專家和有經驗的跑手學習一些跑步技巧。


Q4: 你會怎樣準備MSIG 新加坡動感亞洲50呢?

A4: 作為JRL Academy and F1 Runners Team的教練, 有一個計畫周全的訓練方案是非常重要的。我和團隊一星期會有五到九節訓練, 練習內容包含跑山, 多重配速訓練, 速度訓練, 耐力訓練, 再加每天的肌力和體能訓練。


All the best to Lexxus and the F1 runners as am sure they'll be out in force at the MSIG Singapore Action Asia 50

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