Race Media


14 Feb, 2017

MSIG Sai Kung 50 will have Pierre-Andre Ferriere in the Field Again

The Past Winner’s Personal Tips for Pre-race Training

MSIG Sai Kung 50 will have Pierre-Andre Ferriere in the Field Again

The French elite runner who was the overall champion at Taiwan 50 in 2015 and grabbed the second place at 2016 Sai Kung 50, Pierre-Andre Ferriere, is coming back to MSIG Sai Kung 50 on February 18th to fight for the championship again. As the competition is approaching, he shared his own secret tips for the preparation for the race.

The last month before the race is critical because it is the golden period for preparation. “With 4 weeks before the race, I will try to do my last big week of training, putting in as much elevation as I can and making sure I have some long runs. From next week, I will start reducing volume and vertical training to focus on speed and intensity,” said Ferriere. “MSIG Sai Kung 50 is quite a fast race with lots of runable parts so it is important to have some good speed leg,” he also expressed his opinions towards MSIG Sai Kung 50, “Even if it is the same course than 2016, I will also make sure I train on the course to memorize the details: hard climbs or technical parts, easier sections where to push, time and distance between check points…”

In recent years, trail running is becoming more and more popular. Lots of people are aware the importance of getting out and enjoying the beauty of the nature. Facing the busy work and life, how do the runners with various professional background balance their daily life and training? The Frenchman who is living in Hong Kong gave his answer. “With long hours at the office like most people in Hong Kong, training needs to be well organized. I am doing night runs after work 3 times a week, from medium long runs to hills or speed work, and I try to squeeze in gym sessions during lunch whenever I can, for stretching or strength work. When possible, commuting from home to work is also a great way to incorporate some running during the week. I will do my long run on Saturday starting very early in the morning so that I can get back not too late for family commitments. In the end, whatever the number of runs or volume we plan every week, it’s important to stick to the schedule as it is through consistency that we improve,” Ferriere said.

Hong Kong is a great place to discover trail running because it provides a unique situation for a city this large. “wherever we live or work, trails are most of the time within few minutes reach,” said him, “It’s also an easy way to add some physical activity to the everyday life and to de-stress after work. Finally it’s a mean to discover some remote area of Hong Kong we wouldn’t go otherwise!” He encouraged people to join in trail running with him.

MSIG Sai Kung 50 is coming in two weeks, Ferriere also expressed his expectations for the race. “Last year’s race went quite well for me, so I hope I can run a similar or faster time if the weather is favourable. I will enjoy the scenery as we will be running through some of the most beautiful and remote areas of Hong Kong.” Ferriere said. Wish all the runners get ideal results!

「MSIG西貢50」倒計時 個人經驗分享

——對話MSIG台灣50總冠軍Pierre-Andre Ferriere

現居香港的法國越野猛將Pierre-Andre Ferriere 在2015年就斬獲了「MSIG 台灣50」全場總冠軍,2016年順利捧走「MSIG 西貢50」亞軍獎杯。今年2月18日,Pierre將繼續出戰榮獲明台產物保險贊助的「MSIG 西貢50」。比賽臨近,越野猛將Pierre與我們分享了他的備戰心得。

把握好賽前的最後一個月,那可是備戰的黃金期。Pierre談到賽前倒數四週安排:「第一週,我會盡全力加大攀升高度的練習,同時保證一定量的長跑練習,二者一起組成了我的超級訓練周。接下來的幾週,我會逐漸減少耐力和攀升方面的訓練,將重心放在速度和強度的提高。」對於Pierre而言,「MSIG 西貢50」有很多可跑路段,所以速度提高也是備賽的重點之一,最好是在賽場上有一雙「飛毛腿」。此外,Pierre強調了對賽道的分析也至關重要,有機會的話,去實際體驗一下賽道:有難度攀升在哪一段,技術性路段在哪一段,可加速的平緩路段是哪一段等等,藉此來預估每個補給站之間所需時間,調節配速。






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