01 Mar, 2014


2014 - MSIG Sai Kung 50 - HK50 Series - Mar 1, 2014

 01 Mar, 2014
 Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung, Hong Kong Trail run and hiking options

Categories 組別


13km (solo only)

Open Men
Open Women
*Minimum age is 14 years old on race day.

26km (Solo)

Individual Solo Male - 18-39, 40-49, 50+
Individual Solo Female – 18-39, 40-49, 50+
*Minimum age is 18 years old on race day.


50 km categories (Solo)

Individual Solo Male - 18-39, 40-49, 50+
Individual Solo Female – 18-39, 40-49, 50+
*Minimum age is 18 years old on race day.


Note teams DONT need to stay together as aggregate combined timing for extra category prizes and a little fun.

This is an option for solo runners to “earn an extra prize” by aggregate timing for teams of which 1 team member must be female. (solo runners must enter a team name when registering or do it later as you can log back into system) of up to 5 members maximum per same team name and we will count first 3 solo members different times when crossing finish line and add them together for an aggregate time of which 1 must be female (50k).

 13公里 (只設個人組別)

26 公里 (只設個人組別)
男子個人- 18-39, 40-49, 50+
女子個人 - 18-39, 40-49, 50+

男子個人- 18-39, 40-49, 50+
女子個人 - 18-39, 40-49, 50+


隊員無須同時衝線/ 檢查站報到,大會現實施綜合隊制時間,以供額外組別獎品及多元化比賽樂趣。
此綜合隊制時間方式,提供個人跑手多一機會嬴取”額外獎品”,每一隊最少一名女隊員。參加綜合隊制之個人參賽者,每隊員須於報名時填報相同之隊伍名稱(或可於報名後於網上報名系統自行更改)。同隊最高人數限額為5 人,大會將從5 人中選取最快3 名衝線時間作為綜合隊制時間統計,而當中一名必須為女隊員。
